Regular Meetings
- 6:00 p.m., 3rd Wednesday of every month, Manlius Village Centre
- One Arkie Albanese Avenue, Board Room, Manlius Village, NY 13104
All meetings of the Planning Board are at the call of the chairperson and at such other times as the Board may determine.
The Village of Manlius has established the Village of Manlius Planning Board. Efforts are made to ensure qualified members of the Planning Board represent a variety of ethnic, professional, and civil groups in the Village of Manlius.
The Village of Manlius has established the Village of Manlius Planning Board. Efforts are made to ensure qualified members of the Planning Board represent a variety of ethnic, professional, and civil groups in the Village of Manlius.
The Planning Board has the full power and authority to to make investigations of maps, designs, reports, and recommendations relating to the planning and development of the Village of Manlius or other matters as referred to the Planning Board by the Board of Trustees.
Contact Us
One Arkie Albanese Avenue, Manlius, NY 13104
Phone: 315-682-9171
Village Clerk Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
Contact Us
One Arkie Albanese Avenue, Manlius, NY 13104
Phone: 315-682-9171
Village Clerk Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm