Water Problems?
Village of Manlius residents experiencing water problems should contact the Onondaga County Water Authority.
OCWA can be reached at 315-455-7061, ext. 3335.
Monday - Friday. After hours, weekends, or for emergency service, call 315-475-7601.
Sewer Problems?
For sewer problems, call Water Environment Protection (WEP) at 315-435-3157 (24-Hour Assistance).
650 Hiawatha Blvd West
Syracuse, New York 13204
650 Hiawatha Blvd West
Syracuse, New York 13204
The Public Works Department is committed to providing the highest quality services in the most cost effective manner and insuring that the maintenance and operations of public facilities and programs under is care are adequate, safe and serviceable.
- Maintain village buildings and facilities
- Park and playground equipment maintenance
- Pond and hatchery maintenance
- Install and maintain traffic signs
- Repair village streets and sidewalks
- Sweep streets
- Trash and recycling services
- Maintain village vehicles
- Snow removal
- Clean storm drains